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Floating Stairs
Now offering time-management coaching for students & non-students!

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Confidential support to get you and your thesis to the next level

Need help with your thesis, grad school application, or conference presentation? Cannot ask your supervisor or do not have one? Thesis Doctor can help.

Thesis Doctor Inc. logo

Dr. Haji, Thesis Doctor


Other thesis support services charge high rates for someone to write your thesis for you. What I offer is support for students who want to do their own work. Completing a thesis is a significant achievement, and I want you to own it!


Sometimes supervisors have limited availability or sometimes students are not comfortable approaching their supervisor with questions. That is where I come in. I provide supplemental thesis support, specific to your needs, at a fair and affordable price. Based on more than a decade of experience as a thesis supervisor and university professor, I can support you at various stages of the thesis process and your academic journey.

Image by Amy Hirschi
Image by Jason Goodman
Image by Christina @ wocintechchat
Image by Brooke Cagle


My skills and experience are at your disposal over a video consultation to discuss:

Time management

Thesis goal-setting & milestones

Research design

Statistical analysis

Thesis proposal or defence

Structuring your thesis and writing flow

Applying to graduate school/ grad school interview preparation

Scholarship or grant applications

Presenting your research at a scholarly conference

Converting your thesis into a journal article manuscript

Professional Woman

Support That Makes a Difference

Let’s Succeed Together

I offer various academic coaching services that will help you overcome obstacles and move forward in your journey. Not all services are listed, so please contact me to inquire about your specific needs.

Book an initial appointment so you can start making progress on your academic goals.

My goal is to help you...

Get to the next level

The power to succeed in your academic goals is within you. You can produce a quality thesis and you can finish your degree. Let's tackle the obstacles in your path, so that you can get to the next level.

Graduation Caps

How can I help you?

I can provide academic coaching to students in various fields of study. For subject-specific guidance, my specialization is in psychology research. Please submit an inquiry to find out how I can help you.

Image by Thought Catalog

Expertise for Everyone

Not everyone has a great thesis supervisor and some toil in isolation to do a thesis without a supervisor.

You don't have to struggle on your own!

Image by Mateus Campos Felipe

You really want to produce a high quality thesis, but do not have adequate support. 

You have been ABD (All But Dissertation), and don't know how or when you will find the time to complete your thesis.

You are stuck on a specific issue with your thesis (e.g, design, statistical analysis) and are unable to move forward.

You want to produce a conference presentation or journal article based on your thesis, and need guidance to make it a reality.

Do any of these describe you?

Academic & Time Management Coaching

Based on your needs

Contact Us

Take the first step

Submit an inquiry or book an initial appointment.

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